Preparing the Way

In this week's video, John the Baptist appeared to prepare the people for the Messiah. Click HERE for the video.

Readings for
This Sunday
December 1, 2024
Philippians 1:4-6, 8

In Philippians 1, St. Paul recognized the efforts of his fellow missionaries.

Luke 3:1-6

In Luke 3, John the Baptist was a town crier in the desert preparing the people for the Christ.

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Year C:
The Gospel of Luke

Date of Authorship

Structure of Luke-Acts

Commentary on Luke

The gospel of Luke was the first part of a two part work scholars call "Luke-Acts." It was the story of Jesus while Acts detailed the ministries of Peter and Paul in the early Church. Luke included sections of Mark's gospel, verses it shared with Matthew (not Mark), and exclusive material. It was written in a high class Greek but showed a concern for the poor and outcast.